Welcome to the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner's 2017/2018 Community Safety Fund. The Fund provides grants to third sector community based organisations to enable local delivery against the Police and Crime Plan.
The funding is available to support third sector organisations (ie organisations that are not for profit and non-government, for example registered charities and social enterprises) to assist the Commissioner to reduce crime and protect victims, witnesses and vulnerable people.
This year the Commissioner is keen to attract funding applications which will protect, support and respond to victims, witnesses and vulnerable people, such as:-
- Community led projects, working in partnership with Nottinghamshire Police, to facilitate relationships between BME and/or new and emerging communities and Nottinghamshire Police
- Community led initiatives to promote community cohesion and tackle xenophobic and race-related hate crime
- Pilot or other projects to meet a gap in support services for victims
- Community led initiatives to reduce noise and alcohol related anti-social behaviour
- Community led intiatives to reduce rural crime, including using social media to share local intelligence
- Targeted education and awareness raising initiatives with young people specifically in relation to new psychoactive substances and class A drugs. Any funded initiative will be targeted rather than offer universal provision
- Community led projects to support improved mental health with young people, and reduce drugs and alcohol use
- Community led early intervention and prevention of drugs and alcohol related ani-social behaviour
- Education and awareness raising initiatives to support the prevention of digital and cyber crime including fraud, computer misuse and on-line abuse
- Community led initiatives in the city and conurbation to tackle knife crime. Initiatives must work closely with their local community safety partnership
- Targeted early intervention and diversionary activity with people at risk of offending and/or anti social behaviour
- Projects working with offenders, particularly addressing the mental health needs of offenders
- Develop and enable volunteering and active citizenship to build stronger communities
Applications were invited for a maximum of up to £25,000 and organisations could apply for one project only. The deadline for receipt of applications was midday on Tuesday 31st January 2017.
Twenty-three organisations in Nottinghamshire (see below) have been informed that they will be receiving awards totalling nearly £250,000 from the Community Safety Fund.