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You can download the following financial reports, including previous years:-
The Capital Programme report is included in the annual Budget Report from 2023 onwards.
The spreadsheet has details of our expenditure over the last few years. This shows that over the preceding 6 year period, we have spent £288,464 of levy monies received from City. This expenditure was more significant in 2017-18 and last year 2021-22 where expenditure exceeded income. However, there have been some years, pre-dating the Commissioner’s tenure, in which the levy was either not spent at all or not spent fully. This resulted in a reserve of £212,119 being accrued and carried forward; this was the stimulus for the needs assessment report that was commissioned by us on making best use of the monies in our area.
The annual income from the scheme for our Office/ Notts Police is circa £68-70k. In the last financial year, the funding was used to reduce crime and disorder and support community safety initiatives in local neighbourhood areas as well as in the City, and would be in future if the levy continued to be collected.