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Our Money

The funding position
Police funding is made up of two key components Police Grant (awarded by the Home Office) and Precept (paid locally through council tax).
Police Grant is determined firstly by the amount the Treasury makes available to the Home Office and then how the Home Office allocates its resource over all areas of Home Office activity. Every four years (usually) the Home Office undertakes a Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) this details the threats and risks that policing is facing and ultimately becomes the business case for police grant.
The actual police grant is allocated based upon the Home Office Funding Formula, which has only been changed slightly since its inception in 2005. The current allocation basis has never been fully implemented with protections being given to those that would lose at a cost to those that have been evaluated as requiring more resource.
Precept is determined annually by the Police and Crime Commissioner. This is based upon limitations set by Central Government. The Commissioner will also consider the impact on police resources and the public’s ability to pay for any increase to the level of council tax for policing.
The amount met through grant and precept differs across all forces. Some like Nottinghamshire are mainly financed through Police Grant, whilst others are financed mainly from council tax.
What we spend the money on
Approximately 80% of the total policing budget is spent on staffing costs. The remainder is spent on property, vehicles, uniform, IT, and collaborations.
In relation to property this has reduced significantly over the past 10 years and all efforts to reduce related running costs are undertaken.
Vehicles are part of a Public Finance Initiative Contract (PFI) and we receive a Home Office grant towards this provision.
Uniform is quite a minor element of the budget and part of a national procurement contract to keep costs down.
IT is an essential element of ensuring police mobility and visibility in the community. Most of the IT systems in place are nationally procured to achieve best value.
Collaboration is a significant element of our budget. By working with other forces we are able to provide resilience and expertise on what are usually small teams (such as murder investigation) or technically specialist police support activities (such as major crime). This also generated savings initially.
Financial information
We think it is important to be as open as possible about the way we manage the budget. This is why we will be publishing comprehensive information on expenditure, resources and decisions at the earliest opportunity to get the latest updates.
Document titleDate publishedLink to relevant page
Budget reportJanuaryCan all be found on the financial documents page
Precept reportFebruaryCan all be found on the financial documents page
Medium term financial planFebruaryCan all be found on the financial documents page
Annual internal audit reportJulyCan all be found on the financial documents page
Draft unaudited statement of accounts (for public inspection)JuneCan be found on the annual accounts page
Statement of accountsSeptemberCan be found on the annual accounts page
Mint Commercial Services supports Nottinghamshire Police Force and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire (OPCC) to procure goods over £25,000 and services to create efficiencies and generate savings. Procurement opportunities are conducted electronically via the Blue Light Emergency Services e-Tendering System which can be found at
Eu-Supply Bluelight ( If you are a supplier wishing to find out more about procurement opportunities, please register with the site, where you will be able to view and express interest in future tender opportunities from us as well as those from other participating Authorities
A list of current contracts can be found below:List of PCC Contracts 2020-21
Details of expenditure over £500
Latest details of expenditure over £500 can be found HERE.
Under paragraph 1(d) of the Schedule to the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011, Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) are required to publish the allowances paid to them and to their deputies in respect of expenses incurred by the Commissioner or Deputy in the exercise of the Commissioner's functions. PCCs and their deputies should publish a breakdown of their expenses including: Their name, Force area, financial year, month, date, claim reference numbers, expense type (e.g. travel, accommodation), a short description of details, amount claimed, amount reimbursed, amount not reimbursed and the reason why a claim was not reimbursed. For travel and subsistence claims: date, place of origin, place of destination, category of journey, class of travel, mileage, length of hotel stay and category of hotel stay. Expenses are published HERE.
Council tax leaflets
Council Tax Leaflets can be found HERE.
Statement of accounts
Statement of Accounts can be found HERE.
Annual audit
The Police and Crime Commissioner Group Accounts and the Chief Constables Accounts are subject to an audit by an external auditor appointed by the PSAA (Public Sector audit Appointments Limited).The Auditors have a responsibility to review and comment upon the financial activities and to provide an opinion on whether the financial statements presents a fair view of the financial position, and whether they have been prepared in accordance with the appropriate regulations and proper professional practices. Further information can be accessed HERE.
Capital programme
Documents relating to the capital programme can be found HERE.
Financial Strategies can be found HERE.
Collaboration agreements
Nottinghamshire Police and its neighbouring forces in the East Midlands have been at the forefront of collaborative policing in the UK for more than a decade. In fact, the East Midlands Police Collaboration Programme is the largest project of its kind in the UK, serving a population of 4.5 million people living in a region of more than 6,000 square miles, an area which incorporates landmarks such as the world famous Silverstone motor racing circuit in southern Northamptonshire, the Lincolnshire coast to the east and the Peak District National Park at its north-western edge. Under the collaboration arrangements, the five forces of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire are working together in many different areas vital to policing, ranging from major crime investigation through to IT infrastructure. Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Leicestershire Forces and PCCs are also currently exploring further opportunities for a Tri-force collaborative approach. You can find more information on the East Midlands Collaboration Programme HERE
You can download details of the collaboration agreements HERE
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