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Complain about the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)

Complaints about a member of staff in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

If you are a member of the public and would like to make a complaint about the level of service received from staff in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire, please email or write directly to the OPCC's Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer who leads and manages the OPCC staff (details below):

Michelle Buttery, Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire
Joint Headquarters
Sherwood Lodge

Tel:  0115 844 5998

What to expect:
Complaints about members of staff are handled by the relevant line manager, unless the member of staff receiving your complaint is able to resolve it to your satisfaction at first point of contact.

Sometimes, the outcome you want may not be possible, or may be unreasonable or disproportionate. If and when it becomes apparent that the outcome of your complaint is unlikely to meet your expectations, we will contact you promptly to explain the reason for this to you.

Similarly, where no further action is required of us to reasonably and proportionately respond to a complaint, we will provide you with a sound and clear rationale for this approach. We will also provide information about how you can ask for your complaint to be reviewed if you are not satisfied.

Possible outcomes to a complaint about a member of staff include:

  • An apology and actions to prevent recurrence
  • Organisational learning
  • Referring the matter to be dealt with under criminal, disciplinary or performance proceedings.

What we will do:
We will log your complaint on our systems and acknowledge your complaint within 10 working days and we will provide you with the contact details of the person nominated to keep you informed of progress. At the same time, we will seek clarification to ensure that we properly understand your complaint, your views on how the complaint should be handled, the outcome you want and any adjustments that may be required to enable you to participate effectively in the process, as required.

We will inform you in writing of our determination of the outcome to your complaint within 20 working days of receiving the above information, unless there are exceptional circumstances that prevent us from doing so. In such circumstances, we will keep you informed on progress at least every 20 working days.

We will include an explanation of how the matter has been handled, the actions taken, the findings and the outcome. If appropriate, it will also include the reasons for not taking certain actions.

At the same time, we will provide you with details about your rights to appeal, who to address your request for review to, and what you are required to include in your request.

We will inform you in writing of the outcome of your complaint. This will include an explanation of how the matter has been handled, the actions taken, the findings and the outcome. If appropriate, it will also include the reasons for not taking certain actions.


What to expect:
The purpose of the review will be to ensure that we have acted fairly and reasonably in dealing with your complaint, and that the outcome is reasonable and proportionate.

Your review will be handled by a Senior Officer not involved in the original investigation.

If problems are identified with the decision making process or in the way the investigation was managed, we will take appropriate action to improve relevant processes to prevent recurrence.

What we will do:
We will log your request for a review on our systems and acknowledge your request and will respond to you with the outcome.

© 2024 Nottinghamshire PCC
  • Office opening hours:
  • Monday to Thursday: 9am - 5pm
  • Friday: 9am - 4.30pm
  • Saturday to Sunday: Office closed